CSI 5180 Topics in Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning for Bioinformatics Application
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``If you want to compete in bioinformatics, first you need to compete for really smart people. You need really smart people who understand how to manipulate nanomolecules.''
Juan Enriquez

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Essential Cellular Biology


  • Essence of linear algebra by 3Blue1Brown

    A series of 15 videos (10 to 15 minutes per video) providing "[a] geometric understanding of matrices, determinants, eigen-stuffs and more." 6,662,732 views as of September 30, 2019.

  • Essence of calculus by 3Blue1Brown

    A series of 12 videos (15 to 20 minutes per video): "The goal here is to make calculus feel like something that you yourself could have discovered." 2,309,726 views as of September 30, 2019.

  • Neural networks by 3Blue1Brown

    4 videos (10 to 20 minutes per video) 876,419 views as of September 30, 2019.