ITI1121. Introduction to Computing II
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``Computer programming is an art, because it applies accumulated knowledge to the world, because it requires skill and ingenuity, and especially because it produces objects of beauty. A programmer who subconsciously views himself as an artist will enjoy what he does and will do it better.'' Donald Knuth Computer Programming as an Art 1974.

Midterm examination

The midterm examination will be held on Sunday, March the 1st, from 10:00 am to noon.


The room you have to go to depends on the section you are in.

  • Section B = FSS 2005
  • Section C = CRX 140


As discussed in class, the midterm will cover everything that we have seen up to and including the week leading to the exam, but excluding Exceptions. The content of the labs is also included.


  • Please arrive 15 minutes early. The exam will last 2 hours and will start on time. Students arriving more than 30 minutes late will be turned away and will not be able to write the exam.
  • There should be an empty seat between every two students.
  • Attendance will be taken. You will have to show your student card and sign the attendance sheet. Please make sure you have your card with you.
  • This is a closed book examination. No calculators, electronic devices or other aids are permitted. Any electronic device or tool must be shut off, stored and out of reach. Anyone who fails to comply with these regulations may be charged with academic fraud.
  • You will be provided with a questions booklet. You cannot use any other material or papers. All you need is your student card, something to write with, and perhaps an eraser. You can leave everything else at home.
  • Do not remove the staple from the booklet. If you do remove the staple, and your pages get loose, only the pages still attached to the first page will get marked.
  • After 10:30 am, you can leave quietly the exam room when you are done. You will have to hand in your answers and sign the attendance sheet again. However, towards the end of the examination (probably around 11:45, but the TA will tell you), you won't be able to leave to avoid having too many people leaving at the same time disturbing those who are still working. At that point, you will have to stay quietly at your desk until the end of the examination. The TA will then pick up your answer booklet at your desk. Thanks for your understanding.

Reviewing your copy after the examination

In the week that follows the examination, your teaching assistant will have your copy of the midterm test; this is the TA of the official laboratory on your schedule.

During their office hours:

  • You can view your copy one student at a time, in the presence of the TA.
  • If you find an error in the marking, write down a memo with your name, student id and a brief explanation of the error that you have found (do not make changes to the actual copy of the examination).
  • Give the letter to your teaching assistant, they will give me the memo together with the test.
  • I will review the requests and make the necessary changes.
  • Expect about one week to see the changes appearing on brightspace.

Practice examination

Final examination

  • When: April 22, 2020, 2 p.m.
  • Where: Section B = 125 University (GYM) A, Section C = 125 University (GYM) A and B
  • Review session: -
  • Review session: -
  • What: Lectures, laboratories and assignments.
    • In particular
      • Stack implementations and algorithms
      • Queue implementations and algorithms
      • Binary search trees implementations and algorithms
      • Circular arrays
      • Linked structures (singly, doubly, dummy node)
      • Iterators, excluding "fail-fast"
      • Recursive list processing
      • Interfaces
      • Exceptions
    • but not,
      • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
      • Input/Output (I/Os)

Always consult the official examination schedule.
